Tuesday 25 June 2013

Change can and will take place if we all work together hard enough for it.

Garry Waller

I think first and foremost it is essential for me to highlight that User Voice has been fundamentally instrumental in the growth and skills that I have acquired over the past 2 years.

On saying that, the reason I joined User Voice was that I thought- looking at the model they used- it is simplistic and very holistic. Subsequently, it looked like the rewards that were potentially on offer for service providers and service users were, from my experience, totally unimaginable.

With my background, having spent the best part of 15 years engulfed in the criminal justice system, I was quite sceptical. Based on my own experiences I was doubtful of just how much of an impact the service users that we engage with could actually have on organisations such as London Probation, whose policies have been built around red tape and bureaucracy.

How wrong could I have been; the changes that have taken place and continue to take place on a daily basis are fruitful and appetizing.

More importantly, for me the energy that has been stirred up within the service user community has been the most satisfying to watch; equipping themselves with the adequate skills to become active citizens.

I have worked with well over a hundred service users; lots of them have successfully completed their orders for the first time, lots more have moved on to gainful employment and lots continue to work voluntarily on councils as members that represent some of the most marginalized groups of people in the country. Now that is what it is about for me.

Change can and will take place if we all work together hard enough for it.

"Truth is on the side of the oppressed" - Malcolm X.

Monday 17 June 2013

User Voice: The voice to help you help yourself

Eddie Karwhoo

User Voice have been an inspiration to service users around the UK by giving people a voice and saying to them that we have been there before, we understand your problems, we will give you the voice to help you help yourself.

It happened to me and I have met over hundreds of people that are in the same position as me.

I started with User Voice in Maidstone prison in 2010. Since then I have been a volunteer both in Kent and London.

Where User Voice play a big role is helping service users to change their perception about probation. They make you feel that you have a working relationship to improve your life - it gives you confidence that if others can make it then you can. 

It gives you the opportunity to express yourself in a positive way.

In all, User Voice is a big family that holds hand together and when anybody is drowning they extend their hands to take you out.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Testimonial to User Voice

Venrika Kelly

User Voice is one of THE most awesome, reliable and helpful charities I have seen set up over the years that are for service users like myself. There is nothing like it; the level of work and determination that goes into setting up focus groups, delivering surgeries across all the LDU's and making sure that all parties are involved, and voices are heard in a safe, fair and non-prejudicial environment is immeasurable.

Trust me when I say that as charities go, User Voice is second to none and will play a key part in making our community safer and bridging the gap between our judicial system and the people that use them, for many more years to come. I am honoured and feel very privileged to be a part of something like this and will be forever grateful for the opportunities I have received  since volunteering.

User Voice you ROCK!