Monday 9 September 2013

"We are the vehicle for the young people; we carry their voices and their courage to the decision makers"

Ricky Sykes

Hi, my name is Ricky and I work for User Voice as an Assistant Programme Manager, working on youth projects.

To find myself working with User Voice has been a great inspirational journey; day in and day out I still feel the privilege of working on my passion which is supporting young people.

For many years as I ground away at life with the little wisdom I had, I would ask myself time and time again, why do things keep going wrong?  Why do I find myself making the same mistakes over and over again, finding myself in situations and places surrounded with the same people making the same mistakes as I was? It wasn’t until coming to work with User Voice that I got my answers to the numerous why’s that I had asked myself over and over. I now understand that it was to give me that depth, that understanding and that energy to help transform Young People’s lives through my own experience of challenges, victories and failures.  I now find I am able to truly relate with the struggles these young people are facing daily, (and the direction they are heading in), if they aren’t to receive the support, understanding and care they so need.

To be a part of a team of people with the same passion and drive as myself at User Voice is also a privilege I find myself in every day of the  week,  as we come together to bring about change.  We are the vehicle for the young people; we carry their voices and their courage to the decision makers who then get the opportunity to hear from young people first hand; their struggles, desires, and their ambition, as they try to positively affect their own and their peer’s lives despite the challenging environments they face daily.

I believe that Young People should be allowed their mistakes; I explain to them that this doesn't mean I don’t want them to make the right choices but I do respect their personal journeys.  They may stumble, but that isn't necessarily a reflection of the quality of the work being done with the individual. I try to remain open minded and non-judgmental allowing young people the room to make mistakes and to grow from them; they know that I will be there for them regardless and that I value them.

‘’The proof is in the pudding!” so they say, well if that’s the case then I have tasted some pretty tasty proof puddings whilst being at User Voice!  My colleagues and I have witnessed some amazing transformations take place in the many Youth Offending Services we have worked in. To witness the change in character from the young people as they really feel listened to, valued and respected is amazing and never fails to remind me of why I work with User Voice.

My thanks to all the User Voice team and young people that I've worked with for your trust and belief that things can get better as long as we keep  believing  in people.

I will continue to do my best to bring about positive change as I work here at User Voice and as I gain more privileges meeting more young people and the professionals working with them, and enjoy my journey and learning that is never ending.